Access professional development

A flexible approach to teacher training

Here at the Educator’s Toolkit, we believe that professional development should be accessible in the most convenient way possible. Our learning catalogue is delivered in a number of ways, on-line, face-to-face in the classroom or in a blended format.

We’ve a growing library of content that aims to cover everything from the basics of device usage, right up to the technical implementation and the ongoing support needs a school may have. 

Our content library is regularly added to and updated, based on feedback and requests from schools and course participants. We are happy to hear any suggestions on what you would like covered. 

Online courses can be accessed individually, through a membership or school wide as an element of your development plan for staff. Access to course progress and attainment is available for school wide programs, to assist school leadership. 

Each online course is designed in cover content in focused topics that include short videos, instructional text, assignments and assessment quizzes. Ensuring that you build on your knowledge and real world application. 

We've professional courses for all major platforms

Choose from individual applications or work towards a recognised certificiation including Google Educator, Microsoft Office Specialist or Apple Teacher. 


Learn iPad basics, Pages, Numbers, Keynote and iMovie for iOS and Mac


Access courses on Google Classroom,  Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drive and administration


Access courses for Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, OneNote and more. 

Online only courses

Delivery by instructor

Virtual delivery uses free and easy to access platforms such as Google Meet, Teams and Zoom. We’ll delivery our content in an engaging and challenging way, to ensure you get the most from our content even when we aren’t physically with you. 

You can book a 1 or 2 hour virtual session to cover any of our catalogue content or we can tailor the session to your requirements.

Instructor led sessions are also available in half day or full day blocks. 

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